Enter the code USAEVENT in the coupon code box on the event insurance portal to get $15 off your policy! Note: coupon only valid in certain states.
Event Insurance for US residents is available instantly through our online program!
Protect your event from disastrous incidents that are beyond your control.
- Up to $2,000,000 in General Liability Coverage. You will be protected by a lawyer paid for by this event insurance policy who will defend you if a guest to your event is injured and sues you. If you or a guest damages the venue by mistake, the cost of repairs will be paid for by this short-term event policy.
- Additional Insured certificates for your event venue and vendors at no extra cost.
Types of US events that Front Row can insure:
- Weddings and Wedding Receptions
- Aerobics and Jazzercise class or event
- Anniversary party
- Auction
- Award presentation
- Baby shower
- Banquet
- Baptism
- Bar mitzvah/Bat mitzvah
- Baseball game
- Basketball game
- Bazaar
- Bicycling (off-road)
- Bingo game
- Birthday party
- Block Party/Street closure/Street fair
- Bodybuilding contest
- Book signing
- Bowling tournament
- Boxing, wrestling or hockey
- Bridal shower
- Card games and tournament board games
- Casino or lounge show
- Chamber of Commerce event
- Charity benefit
- Cheerleading event/competition
- Church service or meeting
- Comedy show
- Company or corporate retreat
- Concerts (indoors)
- Concerts (outdoors)
- Cornfield maze or hayride
- Dance class
- Dance show, recital or competition
- Domestic animal show/event
- Drill team exhibition
- Boat show
- Easter egg hunt
- Educational exhibition
- Farmers market
- Fashion show
- Festival or cultural event (indoors)
- Festival and cultural event (outdoors)
- Film screening/showing or movie release party
- Fishing event
- Football game
- Fundraiser
- Funeral or memorial service
- Golf tournament
- Grad Night
- Graduation ceremony
- Gymnastic competition
- Halloween costume show
- Hobby show
- Holiday event (outdoors)
- Holiday event (indoors)
- Ice skating show
- Junior Athletic game
- Karate meet
- Lacrosse game
- Club event
- Lecture or speaking engagement
- Livestock show
- Luncheons
- Magic show
- Marathon - Walk or run
- Meeting (indoors)
- Meeting (outdoors)
- New Year's party
- Nonprofessional sporting event
- Pagent
- Parade
- Picnic
- Play or play reading
- Poetry reading
- Pool and/or billiards tournament
- Prom
- Quinceañera
- Reunion (indoors)
- Reunion (outdoors)
- Rugby
- School band competition or event
- School carnival
- Scouting Jamboree
- Seminar
- Soap Box Derby
- Soccer game
- Social reception (indoors)
- Social reception (outdoors)
- Softball game
- Sporting event - other (indoors)
- Store opening
- Talent show
- Tennis tournament
- Trade show or convention (indoors)
- Trade show or convention (outdoors)
- Video game contest
- Volleyball game
- Voter registration
- Walking/hiking tour
- Wine tasting
Insuring your event with Front Row will be an easy and simple process that will leave you feeling confident that your special event is protected!
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- Special event insurance Texas
- Special event insurance California
- Special event insurance Oregon
- Special event insurance Canada
- Special event insurance Wisconsin
- Special event insurance Vermont